Saturday, August 23, 2014

Norris (Final)

"So Grant is really enemy number one?" Norris

Norris thought wistfully of the burnt turkey breast.  It warmed her still when she thought of Adam saying, "I might have died from smoke inhalation."  He was a heavy smoker and the thought of that irony was a welcomed stray to the, disturbing truth.  Adam had left her the next day.  He left her a note saying, "It was delicious. But really I'm just too young for you- you said so yourself." Norris had been hurt but was not surprised.  She had often said to herself and him; "He's much too young for this old fat lady. He'll just leave me one day."  She was grateful for her routine which cushioned the damage to her psyche and self-esteem.  She had walked around with the sting hoping that someone would pull it out for her.  A week after Adam left her she realized, No one has asked me how I am doing. 
Usually she had been relieved when the buzz of coworker chatter was only distant white noise.  I'm so good at pushing people away. That's another thing I'm good at.
The 'other' thing or the current thing was a very new thing, and it was a secret thing.  She had begun performing her own investigation on Ambassador Grant's account.  Large amounts of money was being deposited into his account irregularly.  Larger single amounts would then be withdrawn regularly.  My fling was heartbreaking, Mr. Ambassador, but your fling with these companies will be life taking, Norris thought.
The electronic financial records prior to last week had been stolen directly from the Cohort's servers.  Norris began an investigation to find out what was missing when the network was reestablished the next day.  She found that all accounts had been unchanged or fell under 'usual activity' as not to have raised any red flags.  All accounts were secure.  
The huge amounts of money were only noticed by coincidence. A $20,000 deposit would have alarmed the software had it occurred while the servers were down.  But once the servers were back on the bank screening software security threshold was lowered.  Norris zipped to Ambassador Grants file out of courtesy.  She provided the extra scrutiny because they had a brief, professional history where she had met him when he visited the United States.  They had dinner prior to his leaving. He admired American politics, conservation measures, and thoughtful, calculated steps on the world stage.  
Norris had picked up the phone to warn him of the substantial amounts of money added to his account so soon after the server was compromised. But then she thought, Since when is it a bad thing to suddenly receive huge amounts of money?  So out of courtesy, again, yet mostly from a darker curiosity, Norris resisted calling Grant.  
McDonalds and Burger King had provided huge contributions to the account irregularly every few hours since the first a week ago.  Norris' heart skipped a beat when she saw $190,000 withdrawn two days ago.  And then the same amount from the same place was withdrawn yesterday.  
Time to connect the dots, Norris said.  She picked up her office phone and called Apex Oblivion in Newtopia. She felt alive.  And her pulse wasn't just evidence of a pumping heart it was the rhythm of her success.  
"Hello?" A deep male voice answered.
"No, one second." Norris waited while she was put on hold.  There was only silence and her adrenaline.  
"How did you get this number?" A new male voice asked not unkindly.
"I've had it forever. Apex?" Norris asked again.
"No, and what is your name?"
"Norris Winterclock, and your-" the phone clicked silence again.  There was silence on the other end of the line for over a minute but less than three minutes.  
"Norris?" Another male voice asked.
"Yes, how are you? I can't believe you still have my number.  I've had it forwarded to my work phone now."
"Wow, you really are something now, huh? What do you do?"
"I can't really talk about that now?  It's great to hear from you and hear your voice but what can I do for you?"
"Sure, well do you still work with any World Worshipers?" Norris said sarcastically. 
"You have no idea." Apex replied. Norris chuckled and continued, eager to move her investigation forward.
"Well I know they are at odds with the word-wide franchises like McDonalds and I have a client who might be involved behind the scenes with the franchises."
"Great, well. I can't say much about that but if you give me his information I'll see if I can connect the dots for you."
"Exactly! Thanks Apex.  I knew you were involved in the Newtopian noise so much as to perk up for this. Ok, his name will be familiar to you, I'm sure. It's: Seamus Grant."
"Seamus, is not 'involved with them'," Apex said changing his tone. "He is them! He has connected the franchises across Europe to dominate sales over the younger population that's rioting. He's not just taking bribes, he's organizing the network of bribes.  If he has anything to say about the franchises it's not that they sign his paycheck but that they work for him.  The cocky bastard-"
"Is a politician and just got out of a brutal prison.  It sounds like they're going to let him go because the Cretan prison's humanitarian policy violations." Norris interrupted. 
"Yes, we messed that up too."
"That was you guys?" Norris said shocked. "I was sure the Worshipers from Cyprus organized that or one of the Greek cells."
"Nope. And we did that part ourselves because the Athens cell failed to kill him after his trial."
"Oh wow. So Grant is really enemy number one?" Norris summarized.
"Yes, absolutely. And how are things over there?"  Apex asked suddenly, desperately.
"Fine, we're staying out of all that.  We just send you guys lots and lots of money, don't forget that!" Norris said assertively.
"How's that guy-friend?" Apex asked affectionately.
"We broke up."
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that.  He wasn't good enough for you." Apex said confidently.  The leader of the most violent sect of the worshipers could be surprisingly warm, Norris mused.  "Is there anyway you could help us get to him?" Apex asked. Norris realized he was back to business, referring to Ambassador Grant. He is very well protected in his new prison." 
I have the missing piece. Norris could reveal the time and place of Grant's withdraws.  Someone was taking that money out.  And whoever it was was likely connected to Grant directly.  She was eager to help the Worshiper cause but had never directly supported the Newtopian cell's violent methods.  Whoever was taking the money out would likely be tortured and killed by Apex or his team.  The excitement of the investigation turned to sudden exhaustion.
"Norris, Norris..." Apex waited eagerly on the other line. 

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